$99.00 USD

Every month

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VIP Community Membership

Join our VIP Group Coaching Community! This is a $99 monthly membership that includes one monthly group coaching video call with Heather where we'll discuss a different brand building topic AND an interactive group page within your BBC account where we can do group challenges, share weekly wins, share experiences with other group members and more!

This Community is for anyone with a business. We'll cover topics around business growth and mindset, share practical advice to keep us on track for success, and I'll even bring in some exciting guest speakers! 

The VIP Group Coaching Membership is separate from our Boss Babe Membership and will cost members $99 per month to be part of our exclusive coaching community. Members will get access to join each live, monthly coaching session with opportunities for participation and personal questions, and have replay-access to all calls in case you miss one. I believe we can do more together, so I'm super excited about this opportunity for community coaching and a higher level of engagement among all my BBC brand bosses!

Who's ready to go big in 2024?! Let's do this!

What You'll Get:
-1 Monthly Group Coaching Session
-Replay Access for All Coaching Sessions
-Access to a Member-Only Group within the BBC platform where you can participate in monthly challenges, peer interaction, and more!