Audio & Video Courses

'Your Best Year'
5-Week Business Transformation Course
Are you ready to have your BEST year for your business?! Did you miss out on our 6-week live Program but still want to level up? We'll be covering 5 weeks of unique content with 1.5-2 hours of weekly recorded teachings and weekly workbooks to help you break down the info and apply it to your business in digestible chunks. You'll even get a 1 hour, private call with coaches Heather and Amanda at the end of your program to go through any content or personal business questions you may have after taking the program.

Envision Sales Masterclass
Missed tuning in on the Envision Sales Masterclass with Beauty Brand Coaching and Spa-Strong? Now you can own the replay and listen as often as needed! In this two hour intensive we cover a lot of content, so get your notebook out and get ready to learn.
We cover topics like resetting your intentions and goals, finding your ideal clients, fighting limited thinking in the industry, retail sales techniques, and the benefits and opportunity of private labeling. Get ready for breakthrough!

Beauty Brand Mental Prep - Audio + Mega Workbook Bundle
Why an audio course? Personally, I love listening to other women entrepreneurs and learning from their experience. This audio course will definitely be something you'll replay over and over when you need a pick-me-up or pep-talk. I talk about mental preparation, being an optimist yet a problem solver, dreaming big, things I did when starting out (that worked), and just really getting you pumped up for starting your brand. This is a motivational "lets get this done" audio course. You got this, and if you needed a little reminder or motivation to take the first step, this is it.

How to Price Your Products Video + Workbook Bundle
The supplemental video in this bundle goes a little deeper into the workbook subject and gives you more ideas and insight that the workbook doesn't cover.
We are all in business to make money and in order to do that you must turn a profit. There is so much to pricing other than the costs of goods, and most people don't realize that. This guide will open your eyes to common overlooked costs that need to be built into your products!

Planning For A Successful Holiday Season Video + Workbook Bundle
The supplemental video in this bundle goes a little deeper into the workbook subject and gives you more ideas and insight that the workbook doesn't cover.
Planning for a successful holiday season is crucial to any business. People are shopping earlier than ever and you need to be ready to maximize profits, fight inflation, and beat big box retailer sales. This workbook will help keep you focused and get you ready for the holidays, long before the rush.

Email Marketing Video + Workbook Bundle
The supplemental video in this bundle goes a little deeper into the workbook subject and gives you more ideas and insight that the workbook doesn't cover.
We all know email marketing is important when starting a brand, but also to keep your brand going. From the most avid email marketer with an existing brand, to someone just starting out, everyone can learn something from this workbook. Paired with the video on how to build your email list from scratch, this is a winning bundle.

Grow Your
Online Presence
Mini Course
This course covers all you need to know about growing your online presence, getting press, getting on the news, writing press releases/celebrity sightings, getting interviewed, and much more. You get 2 jam-packed workbooks and a 2 hour video of our Week 3 'Your Best Year' class taught by Amanda Root and myself.
We also cover helpful information about your website stats, SEO, blogs, and all thinks to make sure that you get SEEN.